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Pairr Insider
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Are you available until December 2021?
Year In School?
What Sorority, Fraternity, or Student Group are you in?
Are You Involved On-Campus?
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How Would You Describe Yourself?
Tell us about a time that you promoted a product or service.
Have You Been Referred by a Previous Pairr Insider?
What do you know about Pairr?
What Makes You a Good Fit to be a Pairr Insider? Why Pairr?
Please Describe Any Current or Previous Brand Ambassador Experience.
What experience do you have with social media platforms?
What skills and experiences do you have that would make you successful in this role?
Tell us about a time when you were a leader.
How often do you attend events and experiences?
What types of events and experiences do you enjoy?
Bonus Question: If you could pick one event or experience you’ve never had before, but would like to, what would it be and why?
Please attach your Resume as a pdf or word file
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Pairr Insider
Dallas, Texas
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